I was recently informed that I will be accompanying Kevin Gibbons speaking at A4U London. Although this is exciting news, I am also a bit nervous as it will be my very first conference.
Our presentation will cover many different strategies to help affiliates navigate the panda update by improving SEO both on and off-site. Below is an outline of what our presentation will be about.
Google’s ‘Panda’ algorithm update sent shockwaves through the online community earlier this year, and many affiliate sites have struggled to rank well ever since. But all is not lost – this presentation will cover a number of strategies and concepts which affiliates can use to improve their Google organic search traffic. In particular, we’ll look at how an affiliate can develop their site as a trusted online brand, with the aim of boosting traffic from organic search.
Among the strategies covered in this presentation are the SEO tactics which affiliates can use to achieve the best results in Google. What are the most effective content strategies for ranking highly but naturally in Google, and how can you effectively target converting keywords? How can you use social media to build an online brand?
Find out all this and more in this wide-ranging presentation from Kevin Gibbons and Daniel Bianchini to make sure you’re best equipped to survive a panda algorithm slap!